What is Homeopathy ? :- A method of treating disease by prescribing minute doses of drugs which, in maximum dose, would produce symptoms of the disease. Homeopathy is derived from two Greek word Homeo and Pathos where Homeo means 'similar' and Pathos means 'Suffering or diseases'. Homoeopathy is a specialized system of therapeutics, developed by Dr. Samuel Christian Friedreich Hahnemann, based on the natural law of healing : " Similia Similibus Curantur" which means " Likes are cured by likes". Dr. W. E. Boyd has defined Homoeopathy as :- "Homoeopathy is a therapeutic method which assumes that a deviation from the fundamental mean within reversible limits can be restored to normal by means of stimuli , usually appliedin the form of drugs, only sub-physiological doses of which are necessary because of hypersensitivity in disease and whosr action is always dir...
Is 'Aconite Napellus' a Homoeopathy Medicine can save the life of persons who are affected by Coronavirus ? Read the full Article and see why I am saying this !!!? First of all know about What actually Coronavirus is ? And its history :- Coronavirus consists of a core of a genetic material surrounded by an protein envelopes which gives it a 'crown' shape , in Latin 'crown' is 'coron' so hence it is named 'Coronavirus' There are different types of coronavirus that causes a number of human diseases such as respiratory , gastrointestinal generally mild. However there are some coronavirus that causes severe diseases these include SARS-CoV (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus) that was first identified in China 2003 and the MERS-CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus) that was first identified in Saudi Arabia in 2012. Now this time it is identified in China and named it 2019N-CoV (2019 Novel Coronavirus) Transmission...