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Balsamum Peruvianum


  Peruvian Balsam from Myroxylon Pereiræ
Useful in bronchial catarrh, with copious, purulent expectoration. Debility; hectic fever.

Profuse, thick discharge. Eczema, with ulceration. Chronic, fetid, nasal catarrh.

Vomiting of food and mucus. Catarrh of stomach.

Bronchitis, and phthisis, with muco-purulent, thick, creamy expectoration. Loud rales in chest (Kali sulph; Ant tar). Very loose cough. Hectic fever and night-sweats, with irritating, short cough and scanty expectoration.

Scanty; much mucus sediment. Catarrh of bladder (Chimaph).

Balsamum Tolutanum-the balsam of Myroxylon toluifera--(chronic bronchitis with profuse expectoration) (Oleum caryophyllum-oil of cloves-in profuse septic expectoration-3 to 5 minims in milk or capsules).

First attenuation: In hectic 6x.
Extra homeopathic uses locally. As a stimulant to raw surfaces in indolent ulcers, scabies, cracked nipples, rhagades, itch. Promotes granulation, removes fetor. A one per cent solution in alcohol or ether may be used with the atomizer in respiratory affections. Internally, as an expectorant, in chronic bronchitis. Dose, 5 to 15 M, made into an emulsion with mucilage or yolk of egg.


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