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Scope of Homoeopathy Materia Medica

Scope of Homoeopathic Materia Medica 

As mentioned  in various aphorisms of  Organon of Medicine, the rationality  of Homoeopathic  materia  medica  and its accuracy  is beyond any doubt. Homoeopathic  materia  medica  is constructed differently  as compared  to  other  materia  medica.  Essential  and complete  knowledge of the drug action can be obtained only by qualitative  synoptic drug experiments  on healthy  human being; this can make it possible to view all the scattered data in relation to the psychosomatic  as a whole person. In this way the  Homoeopathic materia  medica provides great scope in the field of medicine.

•  Holistic approach:  Holistic and individualistic  approach is found only in Homoeopathic materia medica.

•  Drug proving:  Homoeopathic  materia  medica  has been constructed  on the symptoms which are recorded by proving the drugs  on healthy human beings of different ages, both sexes and at  different  places,  the  exact  sensation, location,  modality  and concomitants  are recorded.  This type of proving is not found in other systems of medicine.

•  Miasms:  Miasmatic  evolution  of  Homoeopathic  drugs can  be studied with the help of materia  medica.

•  Rationality  and  Accuracy  of symptoms:  As mentioned  in  the aphorism no. 106, 143, 144 and 145 of  Organon of Medicine, the accuracy and the rationality of Homoeopathic  materia medica  is  beyond  any  doubt  that  authenticity  of  symptoms  of Homoeopathic  materia  medica  is perfect,  as the  symptoms are extracted from human pathogenetic trials.

•  Relationship of drugs:  Relationship between various drugs can be ascertained with the help of materia  medica.

•  Prophylaxis:  Prophylactic  drugs can  be  selected  by  determining the  temperament,  diathesis  and  disposition  of  a  person  through the materia  medica.

•  Case taking:  Homoeopathic  materia  medica  is stable  and  not supposed to change. It helps to formulate  the questions at the time of case taking.

•  Large  number  of drugs:  The  Homoeopathic  materia  medica comprises  of a  large  number  of  remedies  for the  physician to determine or select the correct similimum  for the disease condition.  Such type  of scope of the  materia  medica  is not found in other system of medicine.

•  Symptoms  of Homoeopathic Materia Medica  are  verified and  confirmed:  Symptoms  are  confirmed  by  reproving  and  are verified on sick individuals.

•  Symptoms similarity:  In Homoeopathy, drugs are  applied  on the patient,  on the basis of symptom similarity.  As per the law of individualisation,  no two humans are alike.  Also  susceptibility differs from person to person.

•  Prevention and cure of any epidemic at the very onset: Many  epidemics  like  chikungunya,  flu,  conjunctivitis,  etc.,  were controlled  quickly  at the time  of Hahnemann  and thereafter, because of genus  Epidemicus.

•  Large number  of symptoms:  We get a large number of symptoms during drug proving which can be applied  on sick individuals in different disease conditions.

•  Pathogenesis:  Without  knowing  the  pathogenesis  of  a  drug substance and its effect upon healthy human beings, it is not rational to apply it on human beings for curative purposes.

•  Choice of drug:  There  are  many  deep  acting remedies  in Homoeopathic  materia  medica with a broad sphere of action. Hence,  there  is no problem  in choosing  the  similimum.  The materia  medica has a large number of drugs with many symptoms. So it is possible to find a simillimum without any problem.

•  Organic  changes:  Drugs are used to cure the structural  changes before  irreversible  pathology  is  established.  During  drug proving, the  drug is withdrawn before  any organic  changes  take place.  The altered symptomatology is purely functional.  Hence, Homoeopathy  is useful  for  treatment  before  any  pathological changes can take place.

•  Subjective symptoms:  In  Allopathy, drugs are  proved upon lower animals,  thus, only objective  symptoms are obtained. Subjective  symptoms  are  those  which  are  felt  by the  patient himself.  They  are considered  during the  treatment  of the  patient because  they  are  found during proving.  While  receiving  a case, the patient usually narrates his subjective symptoms. 


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